Friday, July 19, 2013

'Pacific Rim' - This IS Your Old Saturday Morning Cartoon

I meant to do that...
Some advice for posterity: before writing a review for a film like 'Pacific Rim', you must, I think, consider seriously just what kind of review you wish to write.

You could lay on for 2000 words and give a fair shake to character, style, and plot; delve into the themes; scour for idiosyncrasies; examine the pacing, execution, and emotional impact...or you can aim the sextant straight down the horizon until you reach true noon and concede you were there to watch a monster movie. It is to this latter school of analysis I must defer, and I would humbly suggest to anyone watching this movie they do the same; you will save yourself a great deal of time and any number of grateful brain cells.

And you'll end up having a blast, too.

It's been an old-timey gas reading other reviewers, both professional and not-so-pro, who have insisted on applying the former school – a generic 'good/bad' rubric – to 'Pacific Rim', dimly scrying through some Philosopher's Stone of cinematic aesthetics against which any movie may be righteously judged. Some of these writers seem to consider their analysis a matter of such holy import that they've forgotten just what exactly it is their writing about. 'The characters are bland,' many bloviate, 'the dialogue is cheesy and the script is a cliché!'

Yes, Virginia, it's a movie about giant fucking robots fighting exo-dimensional beasts the size of the Chrysler Building; if it spoke to my soul I'd start worrying about my oxygen supply. And then there's my personal favorite, one I've seen repeated many times: “Because of such-and-such or this-and-that 'Pacific Rim' falls short of greatness.” I'll hand out my home address and oatmeal cookies to anyone who can show me the scale by which these films are assessed for greatness(!). I'm not deaf and dumb to other's well-intentioned bitching, especially if it's articulate bitching; I'm just surpassingly ready to call a spade a spade on this one and have my fun.

So, submitted for your approval, the most unpretentious movie you will see all year, a flick no one would race to describe as 'intelligent' yet at no point insults your intelligence; a back-slapping, arm-punching labor of love from Guillermo del Toro, the south-of-the-border wackaloon who brought us Hellboy and Pan's Labyrinth. Seems the Earth has been invaded by a very patient race of colossi who are content to attack one at a time, destroying everything in their path until finally repulsed, only to be succeeded by a stronger, more adept replacement that manages to inch humankind a little closer to the apocalypse with each fresh assault.

The wormhole through which the jerkface leviathans emerge is located somewhere in the Pacific, meaning every country with a coastline is fair game for a one-monster D-Day whenever the clock reaches Oh Shit time again. Humans have responded with the Jaeger Program, employing 300-foot tall humanoid war machines that can beat the creatures at their own game. The robos are too unwieldy for a lone pilot to interface with all the advanced hardware, so control is achieved tandem, each operator acting like a hemisphere of the brain. To work in sync pilots are neural linked via a mind-meld called The Drift, which, like all forms of on-screen brain activity, is depicted by a hodge-podge of choppy jump cuts shot through a blue filter. Anyway, the Jaegers work great until the creatures wise up.

Now at this point I can simply stop writing and you'll be as equipped as you're ever going to be to make an informed decision as to whether or not you actually want to see this film. If you're on the edge of your seat right now waiting for me to get to the point, then you've missed the point. Robots fighting monsters. That's it.

And that IS point. And that's the POINT of the point. The joy of a movie like 'Pacific Rim', you see, is going in with zero expectations and discovering that you're actually having a hell of a good time. The even more profound joy is in realizing you're having a good time and that the portions of the film that do NOT explicitly feature robots fighting monsters are actually not terrible. With a premise that could easily have filled two hours with nothing but special effects and claimed your cash anyway, del Toro cared enough to book some capable actors and pen a script that playfully and – I'll say it again – lovingly plums the rich and storied archetypes of monster movies. All the staples are there, right where you'd expect them: a brooding hero, a wily girl, a stern mentor, a grim prelude, a portent of doom, a do-or-die climax, a happy ending. Add some chest missiles and a dash of Ron Perlman, garnish with some choice sci-fi goobledygook and sip for two hours. There are worse ways to ride out a heat wave.

But make no mistake, there is some intelligence to be found in 'Pacific Rim', at least as it concerns the script, which is careful to address most of the logical stumbling blocks inherent in monster movies. We are told early on why, for example, the good guys can't simply destroy the dimensional rift with a nuclear depth charge. A little later we get several minutes devoted to solving another potential quick-fix when we discover (at the same time as the hero) that building giant walls to keep the beasties out won't work, either. Such details are small but they're much appreciated; just because it's Rock 'Em-Sock 'Em Robots writ large doesn't mean it has to be, you know, stupid.

But in case you're wondering, 'Pacific Rim' doesn't phone it in for passable character content, either. Admittedly, I'd hesitate to use the word 'depth', but it makes more effort than the bare minimum to shore up stock characters and their predictable arcs with some genuine formative moments and thoughtful flashbacks, adequately serving as the connective tissue for their evolving relationships. The script employs The Drift as both device to inch the plot along and as a shortcut to real (and time-consuming) emotional payoff. Family bonds, be they biological or surrogate, take numerous cracks at the thematic pinata: father/son, father/daughter, and brother/brother each have their moment to shine courtesy of The Drift and its habit of joining the pilot's thoughts and feelings into a volatile grab bag. Idris Elba, a perennial favorite of the Great Underused Non-American Actors, does well with what he gets, playing the stoic last survivor of the original Jaegers forced to improvise when the program is faced with obsolescence.

Oh, and did I mention that it's better than 'Man of Steel'? Listen well, all o' ye, and I'll tell you why.

You don't have to suffer through a marathon of Merchant and Ivory snoozefests to realize the emotions movies elicit in us fall into two broad categories: real and hollow. In any movie depicting human suffering, our emotional response is dictated by the response of the characters and how they react to their peril and the imperilment of their loved ones. Bad or non-existent reactions elicit a hollow emotional response in us; good reactions elicit a genuine response. In 'Pacific Rim' we see skyscrapers annihilated, we watch tall towers collapse and see numerous harrowing escapes. We see much the same thing in 'Man of Steel'. Yet in 'Pacific Rim' that destruction and its consequences are never presented as anything other than a genuine damn shame, a tear-tugger; the carnage is laid before us like a wounded bird, disturbing yet evocative, and thanks to some terse dialogue and careful reaction shots, the characters seem evermore burdened as a result; they respond to the horrors of their plight with real urgency. 'Man of Steel' gave us a Superman who cut a swath of violence through the heart of both Smallville and Metropolis and, frankly, looked like he could give a shit. And if he doesn't care, then why should we?

That's why it's better. The floor is open to dissenting opinions.

Cliched? God, yes, so much so you have to wonder if it isn't part of del Toro's plan to make us snort popcorn straight into our soft palates. The elite corps of Jaegers and their pilots are a smorgasbord of international stereotypes straight out of central casting: the Chinese robot is piloted by intensely disciplined triplets (because there's so many of them they use THREE instead of two, get it?!), the Russian Jaeger looks like a Transformer that had the shit beaten out of it at the Battle of Stalingrad while the pilots consist of a platinum-streaked femme fatale and a bearded goliath, and the Australian contingent is represented by two impossibly squared-jawed male models who look like they came late from a surfing contest. Caricatures one and all, but I say again, who cares?

'Rim' is far from perfect, even for a refreshingly self-aware piece of summer escapism. It can be slow at times, the appeal of Charlie Day for anything longer than five sustained minutes continues to elude me, and the finale utilizes underwater scenes as an excuse to do more gratuitous slo-mo. The end also seems anti-climactic compared to the spectacular six-giant brawl that caps the second act, but no one said this was easy. What's important is that the good far outweighs the bad, and the end dodges at least one sacred cow by going a different path with the relationship between the hero and his new, exceedingly fetching partner. Again, the respect in this flick 'twixt itself and the audience is happy to travel a two-way street.

So see 'Pacific Rim'. See it and buy the Blu-Ray and make it enough money so that they'll greenlight a sequel. Then in a few years time we can discuss how 'Pacific Rim 2' is superior to 'Man of Steel 2': The Secret of Lex Luthor's Gold.'*

*title tentative

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