can count on one hand the number of game series I've started in
medias res, diving straight into
a title with a number attached to it without having sampled its
progenitors first. I can use that same hand and spare a couple of
fingers for the number of series on that list where continuity has
really mattered one lick and I've felt genuinely poorer for having
not begun at the beginning. There's a slice of the gaming population
out there who will regard this next statement as sacrilege, but prior
to Saints Row IV had
NEVER played another game in that series. Hell, that's probably
offensive on more than one level. After all, for a gamer never to
have experienced one of the most celebrated and beloved open-world
action mash-up sagas is to call into question my sacred street cred,
no? And for me to have the temerity to pass judgment on its FOURTH
incarnation bereft of context, backstory or any frame of reference
could be considered akin to evaluating Indiana Jones from nothing but
Shia Labeouf and the Kingdom of the Crystal Monkeys.
play SR4 for any
length of time and one aspect about this game and its developers will
emerge tantamount above all others:
Row could give a shit about
context. Or backstory. In fact, in the spirit of this crazed,
bizarre, utterly ludicrous acid trip-slash geek love letter of a
game, I humbly submit that it is I, the Saints Row virgin,
who is uniquely qualified to make a unbiased assessment. You won't
find me trying to thread logic into this review because precious
little of it exists in this game's sprawling world, and God love it,
I think – I really do think – that's the point.
sum total of my knowledge of the Saint's Row franchise
going in was this: Grand Theft Auto meets
the Cartoon Network's Adult Swim
lineup. Like GTA, that
venerated epic of carnage and criminality, it was a free-roaming
sandbox series that gave the player maximum freedom and minimum rules
while knocking off a laundry list of laundry lists of side quests,
challenges, mini-games, and some more difficult missions here and
there that more or less resembled a story. I knew from glancing at
the occasional headline and skimming some media that the 'hook' which
made the series stand out from RockStar's line was a penchant for
bright colors, absurd set pieces, wildly over-the-top action, and an
unapologetic predisposition toward the absurd. It was a GTA
that refused to take itself
seriously, a series about carjackings and revenge killings that
purposely dodged gallows humor in favor of shock, schtick and
outright lunacy. I'm reminded of George Carlin's contrasting of a
maniac and a crazy person: a maniac will beat nine people to death
with a steel dildo; a crazy person will beat nine people to death
with a steel dildo but he'll be wearing a Bugs Bunny costume at the
Row sets out to be that crazy
person to GTA's mere
maniac, and it's Bugs Bunny costume is flamboyant shade of purple.
Row IV feels like the end result
of a writer's room filled with spectacular ideas, too much coffee and
no supervisors present to stifle the creative process, every base
impulse and hilarious in-joke thrown into a blender set on 'puree'.
There are a bevy of influences from pop culture, film, hardcore
geekdom and scores of other games, all whipped into a schizoid froth
and topped with what I now realize is trademark Saints Row
abandon. It's a title that begs you to have fun. And hell, if
you're already strapped into the ride you might as well put your
hands up and enjoy the rush. Is it perfect? It is not. But we're
talking about a game where even the flaws seem almost intentional; an
experience not unlike the film Tropic Thunder (to
cite just one contemporary example) where you're frequently left
wondering just what components are wry, elbowing satire and which
parts are just fun for the bloody hell of it.
brief opening voice over constitutes just about the longest and most
comprehensive sampling of true exposition you'll find throughout the
gameplay. In a very efficient nutshell it describes the history of
the Third Street Saints, first a gang purging their city of rival
factions and ushering in their own brand of urban renewal, later a
pop culture phenomenon whose exploits were followed across the globe.
Flash forward a couple titles later to the present, when the Saints
have ridden their wave of popularity into the White House – yes,
that White House, and
you Mr. And/Or Mrs. Gamer, are the Commander-in-Chief, holding court
over a West Wing replete with poker, drinking games, Siberian tigers,
pimped-out advisors, and scantily clad staffers. Basically Bill
Clinton's favorite recurring dream. Until, that is, the aliens
the morning press briefing is interrupted by a full-scale alien
invasion courtesy of the Zin and their erudite leader, Zinyak, an
imposing, autocratic dick who looks like someone took one of George
Lucas's background creatures and put him on P90X. Mayhem ensues, and
when the smoke clears you are Zinyak's captive, imprisoned in a
virtual reality simulation that recreates to the finest detail the
industrial metropolis of Steelport, which will be your playground for
most of the rest of the game.
follows is any number of tributes/homages/rip-offs/copyright
infringements on The Matrix, but
it seems abundantly clear from the outset that the parallels are both
blatantly intentional and lovingly replicated. Like Neo you are
merely a digital recreation of your real self, and like Neo you can,
with practice and a little help from your friends, bend and break the
rules of the simulation and manipulate physics as you see fit. Your
ultimate goal is to screw with Zinyak's fake world to the point that
the program will break down and collapse. At first your efforts
constitute a simple fight for freedom as you struggle to break from
shackles of the sim, but later it will serve as the last, best hope
of retaliating against the aliens and exacting vengeance for crimes
against humanity. That's the gist of it.
begineth the laundry list. In addition to the main missions, there
are scads of extraneous chores and amusing distractions to keep you
glued to the controller; it's difficult (but certainly not
impossible) to get bored during even a protracted session thanks to
the sheer variety of crap you can do, to say nothing of the simple
joy of exploration. Every achievement, every vanquished foe, every
item on a generous list of milestones both trivial and significant
earns you cash (or 'cache' – get it?) and points you can allocate
to an intimidating selection of upgrades and unlockables. Everything
can be customized, starting with your character model, then on to
your clothes, hair, shoes, bling, tats, and, of course, your ride.
Like GTA and the other
Saints Row titles, the
world is yours to carjack: hot rods, mack trucks, crotch rockets,
helicopters, and yes, even alien hover tanks and UFOs; if you can
touch it, you can steal it. Abscond with a vehicle, or earn it with
missions, and you can pimp that out to a fair thee well, too,
including paint jobs, rims, engines...Hell, you can even decide how
tinted you want the windshield to be. You even get to pick your
character's voice actor, which for seasoned gamers is no choice at
all, as one of the options is the industry's golden god, the
spectacular Nolan North, aka Uncharted's
Nathan Drake, who clearly had as much fun recording the dialogue as
you'll have making him say stuff.
NOTE ON THE VOICE WORK: Keith David, that masterful, granite-voiced
legend of stage and screen plays himself :
actor turned Third Street Saint turned VP of the USA, brandishing an
alien ray gun and swearing up a storm. How can a geek not grin like
it's free comic day?]
course Neo wasn't just Neo, was he? No, he was also The One, and
owing to that the developers decided cars and guns are great, but
superpowers are what
makes a virtual city a playground worth putting in the extra hours.
It isn't long before you're able to say goodbye to limits entirely
and soup yourself up in the same manner as your transports: super
speed, telekinesis, the ubiquitous fire from your fingertips, and
leaping tall buildings – or entire suburbs – in a single bound.
Think Infamous stuck
in overdrive. This is where SR4's
fun factor hits the nitro, giving you a potpourri of abilities that
make combat a silly blast and bequeathing you with a freedom of
movement rarely if ever seen in open-world games. Powers are
upgradeable, too, and once you've experienced the thrill of using
your start-up abilities you're likely to spend considerable time
earning cheddar to reach new plateaus until you've achieved Superman
status. Suddenly Steelport feels less like a city and more like a
neon, 21st
century Bouncy-bounce, easily traversed from coast-to-coast in a few
blurry seconds.
havoc if you wish, but laying waste to the city will yield
consequences in the form of an ever-escalating alien response; the
more of a pain in the ass you are, the more resistance you can
expect. And while you are powerful, and your assets are fortified
with a generous compliment of exotic weapons (also game for
enhancement), your abilities require cooldown and you can always run
out of ammo. So your efforts against the Zin will still resemble
guerrilla warfare: destroying enemy strongholds, assassinating rogue
programs, scaling and claiming massive broadcast towers, and winning
back your fake city one fake block at a time, gradually turing
Steelport's sizable map into a field of Saint's-controlled purple.
Succeeding in any of the many activities will win you territory, but
the story missions are the most complex and challenging; the game
really takes its time doling out the primary features – expect to
do a dozen or more main quests before the full scope of your
resources are made available to you.
set the stage and costumed their cast, developer Volition then takes
it upon itself to screw with as many video game conventions as
possible. Thinking you're in a straight-up sandbox is to invite any
number of baffling moments and WTF departures from conventional
gameplay that will have you alternately scratching your head and
bawling with laughter. I won't reveal all in the interest of
spoilerlessness (whoa, new word), but here's an example: during a
rescue mission you are quite spontaneously plunged into not one but
two freaky spells of gameplay that just seem to piss all over the
fourth wall: first a tank battle/motorcycle race in a laser
kaleidoscope environ straight out of the old Macintosh Spectre
3D then, minutes later, in a
simulated 8-pixel RPG setup recalling the text-only adventures made
famous by DOS and Apple II. That you're forced to swallow all this
strange wine inside of ten minutes is one thing, but you'll do
yourself a disservice unless you can also spare enough attention to
chase down the barrage of references from 80's films like Wargames
and the mother of all inside
jokes for fans of the Mass Effect
series. And did I mention Steelport's main drag is lined with
statues of the three-breasted hooker from Total Recall?
I didn't? Seems like the kind of thing I would mention before now.
Like I said, the developers must have loved coming to work for this
veneer does peel after a while, though that shouldn't come as a
wallet-closer of a reveal. Like all open-world, what-you-will
realms, eventually the streets of the virtual city become well-trod
and familiar. Action becomes a bit like day-old bread, too,
especially as you upgrade to the point of being over-powered; sooner
or later you learn every enemy's weakness and dispatching even a
small army of foes becomes a simple matter of applying the correct
foil to the appropriate target. This is where the variety of tricks
and weapons becomes somewhat redundant , bordering on useless: there
is a smorgasbord of bizarre guns, but many of them are gimmicky and
inefficient, more impressive for dazzling gawkers at E3 than for
in-game use. Why employ the Abduct-O-Ray when a pump shotgun works
better? To be fair, the variety encourages swapping your strategies,
as you might prefer to blast Zin from a distance with massive
area-of-effect weapons rather than tackle them one at a time at
point-blank range. But the outcome of a fight is rarely in doubt.
And while completionists will delight in the literally thousands of
collectibles, medals and activities, the tasks will gradually morph
from Herculean to plebeian.
Crap...did I remember to lock the front door? |
your superpowers enhance your mobility to the point where the vehicle
component is functionally obsolete. Why steal a Fiat and drive it
across town when you can burn pavement like The Flash or glide across
the cityscape like a base jumper? This more than anything will
likely stick in the craw of some GTA purists (and woe unto our
aging, graying gamer community, now crossing the Rubicon of calling
Grand Theft Auto players pure of anything): the thrill of the
steal, the street race, the chopshop and the getaway – while
present in SR4 – is simply peripheral. The danger isn't
there; the desperation: that sweaty, slip-trip headlong flight from
overwhelming odds dodging gunfire and vaulting drainage ditches while
scrambling for a dirt bike, a Chevy Nova, a moving van –anything
to get away – simply CAN'T be there when you know you can lunge
into the next county courtesy of there being No Spoon. Naturally
players are perfectly welcome to go at it like the past titles and
felonize to their heart's content; the game will still be there with
oodles of support and some tight driving physics to boot. Plus
there will always be that strange sort of pride that comes with
tailoring your ill-gotten booty to your desires, so if nothing else
cars and bikes are great fodder for the fine-tuners of us who like to
put their personal stamp on everything.
observations shouldn't discourage the player who wants to spend some
endorphin-pumping good times tickling the reward center of his or her
brain. SR4 is clearly meant as more of a journey than a
destination, a collage of playful and harebrained with a concentrated
dose of self-deprecating sentience, primal scream therapy tacked
haphazardly to a master class in subversion. You don't have to have
been a Saint to enjoy it, but you better hope you look good in
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